About Us

Hi! and welcome to my site!

I'm Meli! Im 29 and a mom of 3 from Chicago. I have always wanted to start something where I can help someone. I love helping people and honestly that's just my thing. Since I can't be that superhero that wishes to be everywhere where help is needed, I decided to start a business where something small can help you be your own superhero.

Story time!!!!!!!

I was walking home one day when I was suddenly bear hugged by a man who followed me all the way to my apartment from the bust stop where I had gotten off at. I was in a situation I never in my life thought I would be in. I don't know what this man had up his sleeve or what was going to happen. I had nothing but my hands and my keys and my gym bag. Feeling a complete stranger put his hands around me and tried to lift me off the ground had my mind wondering if this was it for me and if it was going to be the last day I get to see my family. I didn't know what to do but I knew i had to try and fight for my life. Luckily I was able to get away after hitting him where it hurts. He got caught but only got 2 years of probation. After the incident I was never able to feel safe no matter where I was when I was alone. I always felt like I was being watched or followed by someone. I decided to start Melis Keychains so women including me can feel empowered and feel safe wherever they are. Ever since I've carried my keychain around I have never felt more safe knowing I have many options to defend myself with. I really hope these keychains make you feel the way they make me feel. Safe and in control and ready for anything to come my way!